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Dog Bin Update

Audrey Junnier

As dog owners will be aware , the current dog bin is showing signs of age and it’s been requested that we 

  1. Provide bin bags for the dog bin 

  2. Purchase a replacement.

We’ve put in a temporary solution for point 1. There is now a clear plastic box under the dog bin with bin liners.  

We are looking at getting a more permanent dog bin liner holder/dispenser. More news on that at a later date.

With regard to the replacement bin, there were reports last year of the dog bin not being emptied which led us to consider removing the bin, but a number of dog owners contacted us to advise that they felt it was being emptied regularly and that they were happy to monitor things to ensure it continued to be emptied. 

On the basis that the dog bin carries on being emptied , we are planning to purchase a replacement bin around April time.

Suggestions welcome on a suitable bin. 

Finally,  another plea to please pick up your dog’s poo  . We are getting notified that this isn’t always happening .

We appreciate that can be tricky to spot their efforts (in the winter months especially) so we are asking  that you consider taking a torch along and keeping your dog on a lead until it’s done the deed(!)  and only then letting it run free around the garden

MCGRA Committee

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