A few months ago - we acquired the old police box at the bottom of Magdala Gardens. The previous owners had the ambitious idea to move the box to a new location in their garden. However, they discovered that this would involve a considerable amount of expense and effort and decided eventually to sell.
They offered MCG&RA committee the opportunity to buy the box and the committee decided this would be a good idea since this purchase (for a very modest sum!) ensured control and ownership by the Association of the boundaries (including the Police Box) on the south, east and north sides of the Gardens. It also meant that the Association would have control over the use of the Police Box in the future to ensure it wasn't used in a way that might be disruptive to everyone's enjoyment of the gardens.
We didn't find David Tennant lurking in there (boo.....) and as you can see from the photos below, it wasn't in the best state.
Sprucing Up
The first task was to give the box a new looking - starting with anti-graffiti paint.
Now that it was looking a lot more suitable (on the outside at least), the committee set to work, washing the internal walls and surrounds and clearing away the debris to make it look less like a bomb site and more like a box with the potential to be put to use for the benefit of the garden keyholders.
The electricity supply to the box was also disconnected for safety reasons.
The clean up is still a work in progress. We need to smooth out the floor that was dug up in preparation for a move and depending on how the box is put to use, remove the old sink and fittings.
How it looks now
Here are a few photos of the work done so far.
Always looking for volunteers
If anyone is interested in spending some time helping to clean up the box or help with levelling the floor, we'd be delighted to hear from you!
What will we use it for ?
It's still not decided what to use the box for and we would be interested in keyholders suggestions on how to make the most of our new property.
Please get in touch (click here) and let us know your thoughts on how we can put our new property to best use!
Thanks for reading, please comment and let us know what you think.